Remote Staffing Agency

Hire Top Talent
From Latin America

We help you find, hire, onboard and pay
your Virtual Assistant and remote teams.

Hire in less than three weeks
No service fees
Free replacement
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How It Works

Get your new remote staff, simplified.

We take care of the whole process: recruitment, onboarding and payroll. To get started first fill out our form and book a discovery call with us. Then, let magic begging!

Job Post Creation + Sourcing Candidates

After understanding your business needs in our discovery call, we draft a job description. We then begin sourcing candidates, focusing on those who best fit your unique team requirements.

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Vetting Process image

Pre-screening + Vetting Process

In the vetting process we focus on language proficiency, psychological and personality assessments, skills and experience, and work-from-home readiness. From a large pool of candidates, we share the top 3%, each with detailed profiles and brief video assessments for easy review.

Interview Coordination + Candidate Selection

Choose your preferred candidate from the provided profiles and videos, and we'll set up the interviews. Once you approve your new staff member, we finalize all contract details.

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Onboarding and Ongoing Support image

Onboarding + Ongoing Support

Experience easy onboarding. We'll handle everything from setting up delegations, ensuring cybersecurity, to offering useful tools and resources. Plus, our dedicated account manager provides ongoing support for a seamless experience.

Want to know exactly what to expect step by step? Learn More

Where great companies hire
great remote talent

Let us show you why DELV Global is a top choice for companies looking for offshore staff.

Image of the globe, looking at Latin America, with locations in a numbered of countries.
Efficient Hiring Process

We handle it all – recruitment, pre-screening, interview coordination, contract setup, time tracking, and payments. Plus, we guide you through onboarding and offer ongoing support. Think of us as your dedicated Remote HR for independent contractors, making the hiring process simple and efficient.

Adaptable and Scalable

Flexibly scale your team to align with your business's evolving needs. Our remote staffing solutions support easy staff adjustments, from adding a single Virtual Assistant to building a team of 50 professionals.

Reduced Costs

Experience substantial savings with our staffing model. It cuts down the need for office space, equipment, and traditional staffing expenses. We connect you with high-quality remote talent at competitive prices, helping you optimize your budget while maintaining top-notch talent standards.

Time Zone Compatibility

We specialize in matching you with Virtual Assistants and teams working in time zones that complement yours. This fosters real-time collaboration, enhancing communication and project management, and eliminating delays caused by time zone mismatches.


Prices are in USD
Starting  At


Top 3% of Remote Staff Talent
No Additional Fees
Free Replacement
Time Tracking
No Long-Term Contracts
Get Started

Why choose us?

Many staffing agencies make it so complicated to work with them. Check some of the reasons why companies all over the globe love working with us.
Features included :
No hidden fees. No surprises
Hire in less than three weeks
No happy with your candidate?! Get free replacement
Dedicated account manager
We do not interfere or have access to your business operations
Hire from 20+ countries
Other Staffing Companies
Features not included :
Complicated fee structure
Hire in six weeks or more
With others: get charged for replacing your candidate
Have poor support
Other agencies have access to your business operations and sensitive information
Hire from 1 country

Our clients are our partners

At the core of our service, we embrace a dual mission: dedicating ourselves to fostering our clients' business growth and creating meaningful job opportunities for talented professionals in Latin America.

We firmly believe in a partnership approach where our commitment to our clients' success goes hand in hand with empowering skilled individuals who seek well-paying jobs and career development. This synergy between business growth and social impact defines our purpose, making every client partnership and placement a meaningful step towards shared progress and prosperity.

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A man with t-shirt blue smiling


Answers to the burning questions in your mind.

How do I hire a Virtual Assistant?

To hire a Virtual Assistant, simply follow these steps: 1. Contact DELV Global to discuss your requirements. 2. Review the profiles of available Virtual Assistants. 3. Select the Virtual Assistant that best fits your needs. 4. Onboard and start working with your Virtual Assistant.

Is there an upfront cost or service fees?

DELV Global does not charge any service fees for hiring Virtual Assistants. We only charge a monthly fee after you've onboarded an employee. Our goal is to make the hiring process as cost-effective as possible for our clients.

How long does the hiring process take?

The hiring process typically takes less than two weeks. Our team works efficiently to connect you with top talent from Latin America as quickly as possible.

What if I am not happy with the hire?

If you are not satisfied with your remote staff, we offer lifetime replacement guarantee. Contact our team for more information.

Can I get the candidate profiles without a discovery call?

No. Our process begins with a discovery call because we need to know about your hiring needs in detail.

Starting now is the simplest thing
you’ll do today

Find Top Talent From Latin America
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